Today is 01/03/2025

Cofeed: China Cottonseed, Cottonseed Meal and Cottonseed Oil Supply and Demand Estimates (Oct, 2019)

China Cottonseed Supply & Demand Estimates Yearly (Oct.-Sept; K Tonnes)
 Item/Year 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20
  Est. Est. Sep Proj. Oct Proj.
Beginning Stocks  61 58 25 20
Production 8564 8489 8380 8380
Imports 115 12 110 90
Total Supply 8740 8559 8515 8490
Crushing 7307 7121 7060 7035
Industrial and Other Consumption 1195 1250 1270 1270
Seeds 180 168 165 165
Exports 0 0 0 0
Total Use 8682 8539 8495 8470
Ending Stocks 58 20 20 20
Stocks-to-Use Ratio  0.67% 0.23% 0.24% 0.24%
Remarks: The yearly cottonseed production has been changed based on the adjustment of yearly cotton planting acreage and production according to the latest data from National Bureau of Statistics and the practical investigation.


China Cottonseed Oil Supply & Demand Estimates Yearly (Oct.-Sept; K Tonnes)
 Item/Year 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20
  Est. Est. Sep Proj. Oct Proj.
Beginning Stocks 139 146 150 129
Production 920 897 890 886
Imports  0 0 0 0
Total Supply 1059 1043 1040 1015
Domestic Consumption 913 910 898 898
Exports 0 4 2 2
Total Use 913 914 900 900
Ending Stocks 146 129 140 115
Stocks-to-Use Ratio 15.99% 14.11% 15.56% 12.78%
Remarks: The yearly cottonseed oil production has been changed based on the adjustment of yearly cotton planting acreage and production according to the latest data from National Bureau of Statistics and the practical investigation.


China Cottonseed Meal Supply & Demand Estimates Yearly (Oct.-Sept; K Tonnes)
 Item/Year 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20
  Est. Est. Sep Proj. Oct Proj.
Beginning Stocks 130 140 174 140
Production  3910 3817 3784 3771
Imports  0 23 20 20
Total Supply 4040 3980 3978 3931
Feed 3624 3546 3468 3468
Other Consumption 275 294 290 290
Exports 1 0 1 1
Total Demand 3900 3840 3759 3759
Ending Stocks 140 140 219 172
Stocks to Use Ratio 3.59% 3.65% 5.83% 4.58%
Remarks: The yearly cottonseed meal production has been changed based on the adjustment of yearly cotton planting acreage and production according to the latest data from National Bureau of Statistics and the practical investigation.