Today is 01/06/2025

Corn CNF China--8/10/2019

Product Delivery CBOT Var. Basis FOB Freight CNF China Duty Paid Var.
¢/bu ¢/bu USD/mT USD/mT USD/mT RMB/mT
Corn, US Gulf oct,2019 387 15.5 35 166 51 217 2224 48
Nov,2019 387 15.5 44 170 51 221 2422 48
Dec,2019 387 15.5 52 173 51 224 2459 44
Jan,2020 399 15.25 46 175 51 226 2487 36
Feb,2020 399 15.25 48 176 51 227 2502 46

     Remarks  :  CBOT  and  tax-paying  prices  are  up  and  down  with  the  National  Day  holiday  before ( September  29 ) !