Today is 05/02/2024

Canada's Rapeseed CNF China--3/19/2020

Product Delivery CNF China Duty Paid Var.
Rapeseed, Canada Mar, 2020 393 3351 32


Product Delivery CNF China USD/mT Duty Paid Matching Contracts R.Oil Futures R.Meal Futures Board Crush Margins Var Spot R.Oil Spot R.Meal Spot Crush Margins
 Canada's Rapeseed Mar, 2020 393 3351 2005 6646 2287 595 -131 7270 2314 878

Remark:The charges for rapeseed processing is 170 RMB/mT, the board crush margin is net profit, and the charges for rapeseed processing are deducted.


Date Income Expenditure Margin
R.Oil R.Meal Total Rapeseed Cost  Charges Total
19-Mar 6646 2287 4116 3351 170 3521 595
18-Mar 6815 2336 4215 3319 170 3489 726
17-Mar 6797 2298 4187 3353 170 3523 664
16-Mar 6837 2329 4221 3460 170 3630 591
13-Mar 6732 2258 4137 3443 170 3613 524
12-Mar 6910 2264 4217 3447 170 3617 599
11-Mar 7174 2311 4356 3456 170 3626 730
10-Mar 7112 2295 4320 3470 170 3640 681
9-Mar 7027 2264 4267 3528 170 3698 569
6-Mar 7313 2344 4434 3582 170 3752 682
5-Mar 7332 2369 4456 3603 170 3773 683
4-Mar 7322 2375 4455 3561 170 3731 724
3-Mar 7386 2371 4480 3557 170 3727 753
2-Mar 7370 2296 4432 3498 170 3668 764