Today is 04/26/2024

Import Cost for Brazil Sugar in China-3/26/2020

Item Mar. 26 Mar. 25 Unit
ICE Most-active Contract 11.33 11.41 Cents/pound
Brz Raw Sugar Premiums 0.24 0.24 Cents/pound
Brz Sugar Freight 32 32 USD/tonne
Exchange Rate 7.0783 7.1238 (CNY/USD)
Duty-paid Price within Quotas 3271 3307 yuan/tonne
       Price Spread with Shandong Sugar 2729 2543 yuan/tonne
       Price Spread with Guangxi Sugar 2459 2423 yuan/tonne
       Price Spread with Yunnan Sugar 2289 2273 yuan/tonne
       Price Spread with ZCE Contract* 2220 2189 yuan/tonne
Duty-paid Price beyond Quotas 5049 5108 yuan/tonne
       Price Spread with Shandong Sugar 951 742 yuan/tonne
       Price Spread with Guangxi Sugar 681 622 yuan/tonne
       Price Spread with Yunnan Sugar 511 472 yuan/tonne
       Price Spread with ZCE Contract 442 388 yuan/tonne
*The most-active contract on the Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange