Today is 02/06/2025

Cofeed: Report on Feed Production in China (Feb, 2020)

Cofeed: Under the impact of the COVID-19, downstream consumption of pork has declined sharply, so breeding enterprises are facing various levels of stocks pressure. Besides, due to considerable margins from hog breeding, coupled with subsidies from the government, all leading enterprises are still increasing hog stocks. Therefore, hog stocks post a month-on-month rise in February. Hog feed production also rallies, but the overall growth is small, as the demand from young hog is weak and some feed manufacturers are also unable to resume work.
But poultry feed is still on a decline in February, as the pace of poultry breeding enterprises are disrupted by the coronavirus, for which local governments have to take lockdown and quarantine measures. In this case, breeding enterprises are unable to transport young chicks and even have to abandon them, so supplies significantly decline. With the clearance of blockades in late February, some breeding enterprises begin to expand stocks. But supplies of young chicks have been interrupted, especially broilers, in addition to short breeding circle and limited demand prospects, so middle-and-small enterprises are less active in making replenishment. On the layers breeding enterprises front, they are confronted with restricted movement in eggs, tight feed supplies and a delay in work resumption. Besides, an increasing number of layers have to moult during this period, which also lessen their demand for feed. Therefore, poultry feed production continues to drop in February.
Besides, there is also a big seasonal change in demand from aquaculture, as farmers usually stop feeding in winter. The overall demand is dismal in February, which makes the overall production decline further. The feed production of ruminant slightly increases as farmers are active replenishing ruminant stocks after the Lunar New Year.
Of all 1135 Chinese feed enterprises surveyed by Cofeed, Feb feed production amounts to 8,536,837 tonnes, down 44594.69 tonnes or 0.52% from 8581431.69 tonnes in January.
Hog feed: 3518457 tonnes, up 7957.66 tonnes or 0.23% from 3510499.34 tonnes in January.
Poultry feed: 3518457 tonnes, down 20655.39 tonnes or 0.47% from 4416140.39 tonnes  in January.
Aquaculture feed: 355237 tonnes, down 35667.96 tonnes or 9.12% from 390904.96 tonnes  in January.
Ruminant feed: 259688 tonnes, up 4103 tonnes or 1.61% from 255585 tonnes in January.
Other feed (specific feed): 7970 tonnes, down 332 tonnes or 4.00% from 8302 tonnes  in January.