Today is 01/11/2025

Operation Rate in Corn Ethanol Enterprises in China (Week 13, 2020)

Processing Volume and Operation Rate in 43 Ethanol Enterprises (Unit: tonne)
Region DDGS Ouput Corn Processing Qty Capacity UtilizationOperation Rate
Week 13 Week 12 Var. Week 13 Week 12 Var. Week 13 Week 12 Var.
Henan 17710 17710 0 62506 62506 0 63.09% 63.09% 0.00%
Hebei 1680 1680 0 5929 5929 0 25.00% 25.00% 0.00%
Shandong 1400 1400 0 4941 4941 0 21.05% 21.05% 0.00%
Anhui 1260 1260 0 4447 4447 0 7.89% 7.89% 0.00%
Inner Mongolia 4900 4900 0 17294 17294 0 93.33% 93.33% 0.00%
Northeast 72660 74760 -2100 254526 260565 -6039 71.54% 73.60% -2.06%
Sichuan 6300 6300 0 22235 22235 0 90.00% 90.00% 0.00%
Shanxi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Other 1750 1750 0 6175 6175 0 100.00% 100.00% 0.00%
Total 107660 109760 -2100 378052 384092 -6040 61.87% 63.07% -1.20%

Processing Volume and Operation Rate in 28 Ethanol Enterprises (Unit: tonne)
Item/Week Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 M-o-M Var. Y-o-Y Y-o-Y (%)
Utilization Rate 59.03% 61.46% 59.94% -1.52% 62.89% -2.95%
DDGS Production 81480 84840 82740 -2100 79765 2975
Corn Processing Qty 287576 299435 292024 -7412 281524 10500