Today is 04/25/2024

Import Cost for Brazil Sugar in China-3/31/2020

Item Mar. 31 Mar. 30 Unit
ICE Most-active Contract 10.42 10.73 Cents/pound
Brz Raw Sugar Premiums 0.21 0.21 Cents/pound
Brz Sugar Freight 32 32 USD/tonne
Exchange Rate 7.0924 7.1069 (CNY/USD)
Duty-paid Price within Quotas 3067 3142 yuan/tonne
       Price Spread with Shandong Sugar 2933 2858 yuan/tonne
       Price Spread with Guangxi Sugar 2663 2588 yuan/tonne
       Price Spread with Yunnan Sugar 2463 2388 yuan/tonne
       Price Spread with ZCE Contract* 2462 2382 yuan/tonne
Duty-paid Price beyond Quotas 4721 4841 yuan/tonne
       Price Spread with Shandong Sugar 1279 1159 yuan/tonne
       Price Spread with Guangxi Sugar 1009 889 yuan/tonne
       Price Spread with Yunnan Sugar 809 689 yuan/tonne
       Price Spread with ZCE Contract 808 683 yuan/tonne
*The most-active contract on the Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange