Today is 02/06/2025

NBS: China’s grain production at 669.5 mln tonnes in 2020


China’s grain production totals 669.5 mln tonnes in 2020, an increase of 5.65 mln tonnes or 0.9% from 2019, according to national grain production data released by National Bureau of Statistics. With a bumper harvest, grain production stays above 650 mln tonnes for six consecutive years.


Among that, paddy production is 211.85 mln tonnes, up 2.25 mln tonnes by 1.1% from the previous year; wheat production 134.25 mln tonnes, up 650,000 tonnes or 0.5% from last year; corn production 260.65 mln tonnes, down 100,000 tonnes from last year; soybean production 19.6 mln tonnes, up 1.5 mln tonnes or 8.3% compared to 2019.


Nationwide grain sowing area amounts to 116,768,000 hectares, growing by 704,000 hectares or 0.6% from 2019. Among them, the sown area of cereal reaches 97,964,000 hectares, an increase of 117,000 hectares or 0.1% from 2019.


Nationwide grain yields are 5,734 kg per hectare, up 13.9 kg/ha by 0.2% from 2019. Among them, cereal yields are 6,296 kg/ha, up 23.6 kg/ha or 0.4% from last year.