Today is 02/06/2025

Daily Hog Margins in China--4/1/2021

Breeding Margins of Purchased Piglet (CNY/head)
Region Province Expenditure Income Breeding Margins
Outsourcing Cost  (15 kg) Miscellaneous
(feed/labor/water &electricity)
Hog Price
Northeast Jilin 1399.95  1267.88  2852.20  184.38 
Heilongjiang 1300.05  1244.15  2801.57  257.37 
Liaoning 1399.95  1288.68  2920.81  232.18 
Southwest Sichuan 1758.00  1379.68  3571.62  433.95 
East Shandong 1699.95  1323.45  2923.92  -99.48 
Jiangxi 1750.05  1290.95  3466.74  425.74 
Anhui 1699.95  1323.45  3402.83  379.43 
North Hebei 1600.05  1292.25  2899.07  6.77 
Central Henan 1800.00  1321.50  2858.26  -263.24 
Hunan 1708.05  1276.33  3467.49  483.12 
Hubei 1755.00  1290.63  3377.39  331.77 
South Guandong 1600.05  1312.73  3742.28  829.51 
Guangxi 1699.95  1317.44  3534.61  517.22 
Nationwide 1612.95  1297.49  3216.78  306.34 
(USD $1=CNY  6.56)



Breeding Margins of Owned Piglet (CNY/head)
Region Province Expenditure Income Breeding Margins
Basic Cost
(feed/labor/water &electricity)
Hog Price
Northeast Jilin 410 1,267.88 2,852.20 1174.33 
Heilongjiang 410 1,244.15 2,801.57 1147.42 
Liaoning 410 1,288.68 2,920.81 1222.13 
Southwest Sichuan 410 1,379.68 3,571.62 1781.95 
East Shandong 410 1,323.45 2,923.92 1190.47 
Jiangxi 410 1,290.95 3,466.74 1765.79 
Anhui 410 1,323.45 3,402.83 1669.38 
North Hebei 410 1,292.25 2,899.07 1196.82 
Central Henan 410 1,321.50 2,858.26 1126.76 
Hunan 410 1,276.33 3,467.49 1781.17 
Hubei 410 1,290.63 3,377.39 1676.77 
South Guandong 410 1,312.73 3,742.28 2019.56 
Guangxi 410 1,317.44 3,534.61 1807.17 
Nationwide 410 1,297.49 3,216.78 1509.29 
(USD $1=CNY 6.56)